- Explain what the word 'adaptation' means in relation to animals - http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Adaptation
- What species do we belong to? - http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks3bitesize/science/organisms_behaviour_health/variation_classification/revise7.shtml
3. Go to http://mrskingsbioweb.com/worksheets/Classification%20Keys.pdf There are several animals drawn on the page, and a key below to help you identify them. Pick an animal and see if you can get to the end of the key. Write down the steps you used to get there.
HINT - Snakes, fish, frogs and reptiles (like tortoises) are ectothermic while everything else is endothermic.
4. What are dichotomous keys used for (they are the type of key we made yesterday and used in the last question)? - http://www.saskschools.ca/curr_content/biology20/unit3/unit3_mod1_les2.htm
Try this quiz and other activities once you're finished the questions - http://users.netrover.com/~kingskids/quiz_science/animals/quiz1.html
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